I love hot air balloons! They inspire me. They are beautiful. They rise above obstacles. They can carry others. They lift.
I've liked them since I was a small girl, but now I feel a reverence when I see them. These beautiful airborne vehicles have become a symbol of faith for me.
It was during a time of great difficulty and sorrow. My heart was breaking, mourning the death of my children. I was angry, anxious, depressed, hopeless. One day I saw a small air balloon wind chime in a store. I was impressed that it seemed to be going up, up, up. I thought, I want to be like that. All that day, I pondered about balloons. I even did research. It helped me to raise my thoughts to Christ. I could rise above my grief. With His help, I could see further. Here is the story.
I had been reading my Book of Mormon daily. One day, I came across a passage that I had read many times before. That day, I found what I needed. Nephi's family was travelling in the wilderness. He had a good attitude and his brothers did not. (See 1 Nephi 17:1-6.) We all know this story. In our heads, that is. That day, the Holy Ghost carried it to my heart with convincing power. I learned---in my heart---that I could be happy. I could rejoice in my wilderness, and I didn't have to wait for the Promised Land. I could be joyful outside of any circumstance. Poverty. Frustration. Death of loved ones. Feelings of betrayal. Seemingly never-ending, crazy-hard work. Not getting what I wanted. Not receiving the blessings I had looked for.

I was learning that my happiness didn't depend on anything happening or not happening in my life. Jesus Christ loved me-----had atoned for me.
And nothing could take that away. I could be happy for Him. Because of Him. Nothing needed to change. And when I learned that I COULD be happy, something changed inside of me. I WAS.
And then a crazy thing happened. I stopped fighting the trials. I accepted them, was reconciled to them. I was even grateful for them. I felt stronger because of them. Many times I found Jesus Christ carrying my burdens, and sometimes carrying me. It wasn't quick or easy, but I learned that Patience can ONLY be learned though longsuffering. Patience is learned the hard way, or not at all.
I didn't ask for the trials I've received and I'm not asking for any now. But they will come, I know. When they do, I want to rise.
I've been thinking a great deal about the balloon. It can be a type for each of us.
Consider for a moment. What makes the balloon rise?
It's the fire---the light----the power that they carry within themselves.
Their light will shine whether they are up or down. But they were meant to go up.
Our light is our testimony of Christ. It may be small but even the largest flame began with a tiny spark. They can and will become great as we feed and nurture them.
The light requires attention and care or it will go out. Balloonists avoid going too long without stopping to replenish their fuel. We also must take care and replenish our light, through prayer, study and regular church attendance.
Like the hot air balloon, we can't rise when we're tethered to the ground. We have to let go of the things that hold us back. We have to not fight our power source.
We carry burdens, some helpful and some not. Balloons only carry necessary burdens. The basket is heavy but it provides balance. Without it, the balloon would fly out of control. However, if the basket is filled beyond its capacity, it will never rise.
Some burdens, such as sand bags, are carried only for a time. Their adjustable weight helps offset the variable heat within the envelope (the big balloony part.) They are released when the balloon begins to sink or when they become unnecessary. We also can take on or release projects, depending on our strength. The condition of our light tells us when to let go. We choose what to let go of. (Hint: It shouldn't be the light.)
Where can we find light?
Jesus said,
"Hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up---that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, an ye all have witnessed." (See 3 Nephi 18:24.)
The answer to every question, is to do what Jesus Christ would do. He is our power. We can find Him in the scriptures, in prayer, in listening to the still, small voice. When we truly find Him, we will want to let Him in. He fills us when we are empty. He can raise us up, and we can raise others. He is our power within.
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