I don't know about the rest of you, but I think mothers and fathers are the best example of generosity the world has ever seen, short of Jesus Christ. Santa Claus may be the giver of cool stuff to a small percentage to the world that celebrates Christmas (and many of those watch for the Three Wise Men instead) BUT parents are way cool, the world over, ALL YEAR LONG. To be clear, the rankings are, 1.) Jesus Christ; 2.) Parents; 43.) Father Christmas. In case we forget, here's a list. Check it twice.
Parents are awesomer (my toddler's word) than Santa because...
1. Santa only shows up once a year
And then, only when you're sleeping. That's pretty much neglect. And it's creepy. What kind of person only comes to see you when you're asleep? You can argue that he craves anonymity but if that's true, why is he in every shopping mall? Creepy, I tell you. If parents followed Santa's pattern, they would be the worst parents ever.2. Santa is a fair-weather friend.
He's only around during happy times. One happy time, actually. In contrast, parents are there all year and not just for the happy times. They are there for the nasty vaccinations--and the actual diseases! They clean up vomit in the middle of the night, deal with teething, drooling, temper tantrums and teenagers. They hold you when you've had a bad dream. They sing you to sleep. They teach you how to live. Santa does none of that.3. Santa is cheap.
He only brings presents once a year. Parents, on the other hand, are continually giving. They pay your rent, your school fees, help fix your car when it's broken and sign you up for soccer. They feed you and pay your doctor, even if you haven't been "good all year." Parents are definitely the most generous.4. Santa stays up all night once a year, while parents do that all the time.
Graveyard shift is a tired reality for many parents other than myself and it is every night for some. If parents are lucky enough to be in bed after midnight, there are plenty of things to pull them out again. Illness, school projects left until the last minute, and asking you where you've been and with whom all cut into parental sleep time. Nightmares and night terrors are a challenge all their own. Parents are the real heroes here.5. Santa makes you wait in line to see him, and then he talks to you for only a moment.
Parents are available virtually any time you need them and they will have a real conversation with you. If something is bothering you, they will get to the bottom of it. They will encourage you, teach you, laugh at your funny stories and cry with you when you're sad. They will listen and try to help. They will tell you they love you and mean it.6. Santa puts himself on a pedestal and makes it all about him.
Parents make it all about you. You are wonderful. You can be anything. And YOU better change your attitude right now. Parents will put your needs above their own. They will work crazy night hours so they can be with you during the day. They will help with homework that terrifies them more than they will admit. They will teach you to drive, of all horrors. And finally, they will let you go, even if it breaks their hearts.Parents will always win, even if we never question the existence of Santa Claus.
Moms and dads everywhere, I salute you. You are making a better world. You deserve my respect. Bless you this Christmas and always. (And by that I mean, I hope the kids behave, that you get to sleep in, and that you have great auto insurance.) Merry Christmas!
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