To be honest, we discovered this by accident. It began with some silliness on my part, as all good games do. It turned into one of the most beautiful moments of my life. Now we do it at bedtime because it is so special. You can start. Ask your kid. Be silly. End with love. See what happens.
"Whose boy are you?"
"Are you sure?"
"But what if you weren't a boy at all? What if you were a... rain drop?"
"I would be your raindrop."
"What if you turned into a watermelon?"
"Then I'd be your watermelon?"
"BUT what if you were a lollipop?"
"I'd still be yours."
"And if you became a train?"
"I would be your train. Whatever I am, and whatever I turn into, I'll still be yours."
"Really. If I were a pillow, I'd be your pillow."
"Such a nice pillow."
"And if I were a mustache, I'd be right here, on your face."
"Oh, good! I needed a mustache."
"Hee, hee!"
"What if you were a star?"
"I would be your star."
"And a cloud?"
"I would be your cloud."
"What about a hug?"
"Your hug!"
"What if you were a smile?"
"I would be your smile."
"You are my smile."